Haha, shoot me now. NYE photos.. over two weeks late.
I had an awesome night, thank you Izzy :)
She kindly donated a house to trash.
Hey, I helped tidy up! A bit.

Me in action. Attractive. Huh. Where are my heels??
Oh and the this picture is purely for my own (and your) amusement. I have no idea as to what was going through my mind at this point.
For the more observant of you, yes I'm wearing different blazers in each photo. Don't ask.
The dress is actually my mothers from the 80's, I've only had the privilege of wearing once before to a Barbie party :) What would I do without my family and their clothes?
vintage sequin dress, blazer of a brother, tuxedo of a father, mask of another brother..
P.S the post title is from a song by the Maccabees (who are pretty good btw) who actually wrote the song about a swimming pool @ a leisure centre I attended as a kid.. Small world huh?