Naked palette + Ciate nail varnish + Topshop top (not pictured) = £15
Topshop necklace + Topshop ring = ~£5
L'oreal resurfacing primer £2
Nivea men's face wash £1
Striped scarf 50p
The Help by Kathyrn Stockett 20p
I couldn't believe my luck when the first stall I visited at Battersea car boot sale had a brand new Urban Decay Naked Palette sitting casually on the table. Some very stylish ladies were holding the table too, my sister picked up a Love dress, H&M shorts and a silky shirt from them too. The problem was that I then ran out of money, so cue running to Tesco's to get some more cash to spend :)
Needless to say I'm visiting again next week in hope of some more incredible bargains!
And a little thank you to Sascha at beautygeekuk.com, I won her giveaway for a Garnier Oil Free BB Cream, and she was kind enough to throw in a few extras :) Initially I disliked it, as it was so liquidy, but now I am in LOVE with it, others I've tried pale in comparison (no7, original Garnier, Maybelline, L'oreal). It's my go to skin base at the moment: not orange (for me!), high coverage, SPF, matte like finish. Currently on offer at Boots for £7.49, I might stock up!
I wore it yesterday with some powder and I was even told by a stranger I could be on a HD channel :D