
A garden left for ruin

leopard maxi skirt charity shop £3.50, h&m tank £8, primark necklace £3, primark pleather jacket £23 £10, car boot sale bag £1, new look cats eye sunglasses £5

!Holaa senoritaz¡ I'm in the Mexican mood, watching 90210 and having just had a fiesta for my birthday on Thursday, the photos of which are coming soon. My birthday's my latest excuse for revision unfortunately, I'm finding it properly impossible. And I keep talking like I'm from Essex. It's ream.
Hasta Luego!

P.S. This is my first venture into maxi-length ever. I love it so much. Recommend it. Go.


Daffodil O Daffodil

levi cutoffs £10 rokit, charity shop gap striped top £2, primark shoes £2, new look cats eye sunglasses

Currently sporting the universal blogger uniform: striped breton top, Levi cut off's and cat eye sunglasses. There's been no posts due to the usual (but very genuine) excuses, was very ill, stressed with work and went to Wales with my family... which was beautiful, especially the mountain lakes. Photos to come :)
These sunglasses were glued to my face the entire trip - after receiving these sunnies in the post when I was ill, I had to take them back because they looked ridiculous on my small face and managed to glance these beauties, the last pair, and I grabbed them. A year's search complete.
I'll see y'all soon, updating the eBay shop and completing a DIY... OoOoOh