pleather leather leggings £15, asos owl ring, charity shop black faux fur coat £10 & satchel & scarf, vintage jumper via ebay £3, ebay necklace £1.15 from here
Photos from a walk in the
*OMG FIRST MAC PURCHASE EVER* It's the lipstick Angel, how boring. Think it'll look pinker with a tan. Also am I the only one who doesn't like the ricepaper/vanilla scent of MAC lippies? No? Fine. Anyway all the MAC people looked like they were drag queens. Juss sayin'
Hope you've all had a lovely Valentines day and shared love with loved ones. I certainly haven't (despite having a boyfriend...le sigh) but this managed to cheer me up :) It's Jenna Marbles doing the cinnamon challenge dressed as drake. Enough said.
Just found H&M are restocking these two-tone leggings! May stock up for, you know, ~emergencies~